ESWT for Pain Management

—— Ideal for practitioners to treat patients with greater efficiency and satisfaction.

ESWT (Extracorporeal shockwave therapy) involves the delivery of shock waves, which are a form of energy that has biological effects described at the cellular, tissue, and organ level, to the injured soft tissue to reduce pain and promote healing. ESWT is a proven safe and effective non-invasive option for both acute pain and chronic pain. It can be an excellent complementary approach for patients when rest, ice, therapeutic exercises, and other home treatments don’t work.

Why adds ESWT to your clinics?

  • Provide patients with access to non-invasive, no-downtime, safer, and more affordable pain treatment options.
  • Reduce the need for surgery and other invasive treatments.
  • Expand your services to accommodate wider treatment requirements.
  • Treat the root, not just the pain. It promotes the healing of injured soft tissues.

Works for: chronic pain, period pain, postpartum low back pain, sports injuries pain.

Our Portfolio of ESWT Devices

Our ESWT devices – PowerShocker series – are designed to be effective, easy to use, affordable, durable, and with wide indications.