

Sprained Ankle Pain: How to Relieve and Recover Faster?

Sprained Ankle: How to Relieve Pain and Recover Faster?   An ankle sprain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries in people of all ages. It can causes acute pain and walking difficulty for weeks, severely affecting daily life. What do you do when you sprain the ankle? Tough out the pain and leave

Sprained Ankle Pain: How to Relieve and Recover Faster?2023-06-15T10:43:57+08:00

Electrical Stimulation For Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment

Electrical Stimulation For Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment Urinary incontinence affects millions of people worldwide. How much do you know about urinary incontinence? Have you ever gotten into an embarrassing situation due to urinary incontinence? And how can you treat the incontinence issue? What’s Stress Urinary Incontinence? Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the involuntary leakage

Electrical Stimulation For Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment2023-06-15T10:45:44+08:00

How Does ESWT treatment Work Effectively with Chronic Pain?

How Does ESWT treatment Work Effectively with Chronic Pain? According to a report in 2016, CDC showed that an estimated 20.4% of US adults had chronic pain, and around 8.0% of adults had high-impact chronic pain. To solve these global chronic problems, people around the globe try to find a way to treat the disease. Fortunately,

How Does ESWT treatment Work Effectively with Chronic Pain?2023-01-17T11:13:10+08:00

Lymphedema and Effective Treatment

Lymphedema and Effective Treatment Lymphedema occurs when your lymph vessels are not able to drain lymph fluid adequately, therefore, causing the build-up of fluid in soft body tissues. The condition commonly occurs in the arms or legs. Causes of Lymphedema Any problems that block the drainage of fluid in the lymphatic system can cause lymphedema.

Lymphedema and Effective Treatment2023-06-15T10:48:24+08:00

Rehab & Physio Needs for Post-COVID Patients

Rehab & Physio Needs for Post-COVID Patients It has been well-known to all that COVID-19 infection affects patients’ respiratory systems. But there are other health complications that linger after COVID-19 infection. While the majority will experience mild symptoms, including a fever, a sore throat, headaches, the loss of taste or smell, or a

Rehab & Physio Needs for Post-COVID Patients2022-07-29T14:28:06+08:00

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine It is acknowledged that elite athletes train hard to maintain their athletic performance. Strenuous training is often necessary but forms a major pressure on muscles and joints. Without proper recovery, muscles are more prone to injury. And most injuries require surgery or a

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine2022-07-29T14:24:28+08:00

Sports Practitioners Embrace Benefits from ESWT Therapy

Sports Practitioners Embrace Benefits from ESWT Therapy Sports injuries are common but incredibly frustrating as they are followed by a recovery process that lasts weeks or months. It also means an injured sports practitioner needs to pause their training session to allow the body to heal. There are various ways for sports practitioners

Sports Practitioners Embrace Benefits from ESWT Therapy2022-07-29T14:23:50+08:00

How Does DVT Machine Prevent VTE?

How Does DVT Machine Prevent VTE? Many health problems and conditions with potentially fatal consequences are largely preventable. One of those conditions is venous thromboembolism (VTE). Prolonged immobility, chronic heart failure, multiple trauma are just some of many risk factors that may pave the way to VTE, which is why it has become a public

How Does DVT Machine Prevent VTE?2023-05-22T18:41:50+08:00

The Best Compression Therapy Machine to Purchase

Why Choose Longest as Your Next Compression Therapy Machine Purchase Compression therapy in medical aesthetics is used to promote body lymphatic drainage utilizing pressure on different body parts. A compression therapy machine helps stimulate different body tissues, including the lymphatic system, through alternating compression and decompression.  The compression therapy machine helps in refreshing and relaxing

The Best Compression Therapy Machine to Purchase2022-07-29T14:17:37+08:00