Nerve Stimulation Delivered by MStim Reha LGT-231 for the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence

GZ Longests New Treatment Targeting to Improve Bladder Function Could Bring Great Relief to Tens of Millions Struggling with Urinary Incontinence.


GZ Longest’s Nerve Stimulator MStim Reha LGT-231 treats urinary incontinence and urinary urgency by sending mild electric impulses to nerves in the lower back or the pelvic muscles that control bladder and pelvic floor function. The treatment is done by placing electrodes under the skin of your lower back. It is non-invasive and provides a measurable reduction in urinary incontinence without the side effects of medication or surgery. And the treatment is easy to learn. Patients can do the treatment easily at home.

Globally, the number of patients suffering from urinary incontinence is rising. It is estimated that over 60% of women suffering from urinary incontinence globally. In the United State, Over 25 million adult Americans experience temporary and chronic urinary incontinence. In Europe, the condition affects 10% to 20% people. And in China, approximately 43-349 million may experience incontinence.

While not life-threatening, urinary incontinence can feel embarrassing, significantly impacts the quality of life, and negatively affect social participation, exercise, and may cause a sleeping problem by disrupting nighttime voiding. Besides, chronic urinary incontinence may cause skin problems like rashes or skin infections and increase the risk of repeated urinary tract infections.

Although there is a large population suffering from incontinence, especially women who are at least twice more likely to be affected by urinary incontinence, few people seek care for their condition. Common barriers to help-seeking behavior include:

  • Not considering symptoms to be severe
  • Not knowing incontinence as a disease entity
  • Regarding incontinence as a normal aging process or normal consequence of childbirth
  • Embarrassment in talking about incontinence with doctors

So many suffering from urinary incontinence are not finding relief because of this or that reason, so GZ Longest responds to people’s needs and develops MStim Reha LGT-231, offering an option to people to easily get treatment at home. We hope our product can help a broader range of people get their lives back.

About GZ Longest

Guangzhou Longest (GZ Longest) is a professional manufacturer of physiotherapy and rehabilitation devices in China with an extensive global distribution network across 80+ countries. We develop and provide high-quality medical devices that optimize the efficiency of medical facilities. Together, we improve the health and quality of life of all humans.

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