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Lymphedema and Effective Treatment

Lymphedema and Effective Treatment Lymphedema occurs when your lymph vessels are not able to drain lymph fluid adequately, therefore, causing the build-up of fluid in soft body tissues. The condition commonly occurs in the arms or legs. Causes of Lymphedema Any problems that block the drainage of fluid in the lymphatic system can cause lymphedema.

Lymphedema and Effective Treatment2023-06-15T10:48:24+08:00

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine It is acknowledged that elite athletes train hard to maintain their athletic performance. Strenuous training is often necessary but forms a major pressure on muscles and joints. Without proper recovery, muscles are more prone to injury. And most injuries require surgery or a

5 Reasons for Elite Athletes to Choose Compression Therapy Machine2022-07-29T14:24:28+08:00